JC Post
Jul 01, 2020

Three more positive COVID-19 cases reported in Geary County on Wednesday

Posted Jul 01, 2020 10:22 PM

Geary County Health Department reported three (3) additional positive COVID cases onWednesday.

They involve a 17 year old woman, a 69 year old woman and  a 53 year old man. These people are in self quarantine at home.The Health Department is still working on contact tracing on the subjects.

Emergency Management Director Garry Berges asked the public to continue social distancing, use face masks or coverings, and do frequent washing of your hands with soap and water.This brings Geary County to 53 total cases since the COVID-19 pandemic began with 21 active 31 recovered,  1 death and no one hospitalized.

The numbers at gearycounty.org have been verified by the Geary County Health Dept and Emergency Operations Center.