Aug 04, 2023

1ID Victory with Honors Ceremony welcomes new Danger 8

Posted Aug 04, 2023 11:53 PM

FORT RILEY, Kan. – The 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley community welcomed Col. Terry R. Tillis, the incoming Deputy Commanding Officer of Manuever, and his family to the Big Red One team during a Victory with Honors ceremony August 4, 2023.

Col. Tillis, originally from Sanford, Florida, began his military career after graduating from the University of Central Florida as an Armor Officer. Tillis has served in the Army in numerous positions ranging from the Military Transition Team Chief and Operations Officer in 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, to the Assistant Professor of Military Science and Battalion Executive Officer for the University of Southern California.

Col. Tillis also served our nation throughout multiple overseas deployments.

During the ceremony, Tillis spoke on his excitement to be a part of the historic division and noted a few goals he would like to achieve.

“I have been told by several Army senior leaders that Fort Riley and the surrounding community is unequivocally the hidden gem within the Army,” said Col. Tillis, the 1st Inf. Div. Deputy Commanding Officer of Manuever. “It is a place where you serve your country, you connect with your family, and you grow together as a community.”

Fort Riley news release