Jun 25, 2020

One more COVID-19 case reported by Geary County health officials

Posted Jun 25, 2020 11:13 AM

  The Geary County Health Department has been informed of another Covid-19 case in the county. Case number 40 involves a 24 year old man who is in quarantine at home.

Emergency Management Director Garry Berges noted that it has been determined that the last four cases are from contact outside of the boundaries of Geary County. The Health Department continues to work with other area Health Departments and KDHE to identify where these cases are originating from.

Continue to do social distancing, use face masks or coverings, and do frequent washing of your hands with soap and water.

Geary County Emergency Management is tasked by the EOC in putting out the information on the cases so that local health officials can continue to do the tracking of the cases and the contact tracing. The entire Emergency Operations Center group is working as a team to try to get the proper information out to the public, but are limited on what can be shared due to HIPPA and other federal laws and guidelines. If there is important information that needs to be shared about a certain location, that information will be provided.