Jun 18, 2020

K-State Athletics confirms eight total active positives for COVID-19 as of June 17

Posted Jun 18, 2020 2:36 AM

MANHATTAN, Kansas – Kansas State Athletics has confirmed that a total of eight student-athletes have tested positive for active COVID-19 following PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing of approximately 130 student-athletes through June 17.

Each student-athlete that tests positive is medically managed according to current local, state, national, and CDC guidelines, which begins with self-isolation for 10 days and until the patient is without fever for 72 hours without medication, whichever takes longer. These guidelines would also include quarantine for any individuals known to have been in contact with someone who tested positive.

The department will continue to work closely and communicate with county and university health officials to evaluate the situation and continue best practices.

– k-statesports.com –

Executive Associate A.D. for Communications and Public Relations | K-State Athletics