Aug 29, 2022

Jackson 'Mighty Mouse' Wade Noveroske

Posted Aug 29, 2022 7:51 PM

Jackson "Mighty Mouse" Wade Noveroske blessed this earth with his presence at 5:56  a.m. on February 2, 2007, completing his family and joining his parents, William and Hedy Noveroske, big sister Kelsey Salmon (Gabe), little big sister Karrah Bailey and big brother John Noveroske.

Jackson’s passion for fishing began at a very early age with his patience developing sometime later. His Dad, brother, Grandpa Corby, Uncles Johnny and Jesse, cousins Hayden and Lakin and his dog “Charlie Wiggles” were his favorite fishing buddies. Before the sun rose and into all hours of the night, he would fish in the cove behind his house or the rock ledge behind his grandparent’s house.

Jackson didn’t need to be taught how to fish. He would try everything in his unique and unorthodox bag of tricks to catch a catfish, bass, crappie, wiper, or whatever managed to find its way on the end of his line saying, “I told you so” whenever anyone questioned his fishing ways. His favorite to catch and reel in was a big ole blue cat. When he wasn’t fishing, the Tree of Life behind Grandpa and Grandma’s house is where you would find him.

Summer to Jackson meant "Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset repeat”!
Jackson loved to do anything and everything outdoors. You would find him climbing trees out in the woods or right next to the house, shooting his BB gun, bow or makeshift rigged homemade weapons. Jackson loved sitting in the woods and watching the birds, wildlife, and just being out in nature. He developed a passion for hunting squirrel, turkey and deer. He got his first buck and turkey this past year and boy was he so very proud!

‘Hunting, fishing and loving every day” pretty much summed up what Jackson was about. He was passionate and kind and tried to save injured animals that made their way into his back yard. It didn’t matter whether it was a bird, squirrel, dog or cat; he wanted to help it heal. He loved feeding the birds in his backyard, his fish in the family pond or just sitting out on the deck listening to the locusts, crickets, and watching the lightning bugs. He was a gentle, kind and caring soul that appreciated everything in God’s creation.

You could always find Jackson barefoot. His family could never figure out how a splinter could get pass his calloused feet from time to time, because he refused to wear shoes and socks. Running a 3k road race for his Milford Elementary school while barefoot was no big deal to him along with finishing first. His elementary teachers would reward him with not having to wear his shoes in class instead of a free pencil or piece of candy for those special “caught ya” moments.

Jackson began his love for soccer watching his Dad coach his older siblings. He learned and developed his skills and knowledge for the game with the Milford Parks and Recreational team. Jackson moved on to travel league at the age of 8yrs playing on the Flint Hills Stingrays team. He continued to play on numerous club teams until 2021 when he played his final soccer game for the Danger FC Soccer Club.

It was during his Stingray playing days that Jackson got his nickname “Mouse." During one of his many tournament games there were multiple “Jackson’s” out on the field. His Mom decided that he needed a nickname so he could tell when she and family were cheering him on. And because he was quiet and soft spoken, so very quick on and off the field, climbing everything he could, along with the fact that when he got excited, he literally squeaked, his mom gave him the nickname, Mouse. His “Mighty Mouse” name came on November 24, 2020, when Jackson was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

His favorite vacation place was Florida along the Emerald Coast. He loved spending time on the beach with all his family and trying to catch fish he had never caught before. He was adventurous and liked trying new things like skim boarding, crabbing, snorkeling or just walking along the beach searching for things that washed up on the shore. He loved watching the dolphins and the spectacular sunsets along the coasts.

Jackson loved his Grandma’s porcupine meatballs and homemade chicken and noodles. He couldn’t wait for grandpa’s ham during holiday feasts, his dad’s fried rice and mom’s breakfast meals and lasagna were a comfort to him while at home. His favorite drink was Arizona sweet tea or the Arnold palmer, half tea/half lemonade. Almond Joy, Milky Way, and Hershey’s chocolate with almonds were among his favorite candy bars. His favorite ice cream was rainbow sherbet. His favorite color was green.

Jackson was a true warrior. He was resilient, strong, tough, and able to tackle anything that he came up against. He was kind and patient with all his younger cousins and niece. He absolutely relished the fact that he was Uncle Mouse to his most favorite little girl, Charlotte Faye. When he wasn’t able to be home or with other family, he would turn to his Xbox where he could talk, yell and scream and get so excited with his friends and gaming buddy, Jenson, playing his Xbox.

Jackson completed his elementary school years as a Milford Laker at Milford Elementary School and continued through his middle school years as a Junction City Middle School Wildcat. Jackson was to begin his sophomore year as a Blue Jay at Junction City High School and was looking forward to getting back on the soccer field to play alongside his brother and friends. His favorite part of the school day…the end of the day bell.

His earthly journey is over, but an eternal, peaceful, loving journey with the Lord God and all his loving relatives that preceded him is his to make. He will truly be forever missed and forever in our hearts.

Jackson leaves behind his parents, Bill and Hedy (Richardson) Noveroske, brother John Noveroske, sisters Kelsey Salmon (Gabe) and Karrah Bailey, niece Charlotte Salmon, Grandparents Corby and Patricia Wolf, Grandma Chung Cha Savini, Uncles Johnny Richardson (Jenny), Jack Noveroske (Terri) and Jesse Bloomdahl (Melissa), Danny Savini, Aunts Morgan Hansen (Galen), Casie Gorton (Lucas) , Lindsey Wilson (Ben), Tara Tidd and Lavinia Galarza (Nelson), Julie Densford (Tom), Diane Miller (Sean), his cousins, Hayden Wolf, Kennedy and Fallon Bloomdahl, Lakin and Kasyn Hansen, Ryker and Blakely Gorton, Travis, Trista and Trinley Wilson, Brantley and Brecken Tidd, Mariah Cook, Jaralyn Rush, Mason Cook, Lois Ann and Thomas Densford, Kelsey Gries, Leila Galarza. Along with the Davis, Hutchinson, Hill and Phifer family all of Tennessee, the Wicklund family, the Einhorn family, the OGM boys and an amazing young woman who is Jackson’s bone marrow donor (transplant on March 9, 2022) and sweet Ms. Olive, his transplant friend and pen pal.

He was preceded in death by: Grandpa Joe Shelton Davis, Grandpa Richard J. Noveroske, Grandpa Danny Richardson, cousins Skyler Gorton, Sonya Kunesh and Brad Riffle.

Celebration of Life services for Jackson Wade Noveroske will be at 11 a.m., Sunday, September 4, 2022, at the Acorns Convention Center, 3710 Farnum Creek Rd., Milford, KS with Pastor Matt Johnson of the First Christian Church officiating.

Memorial contributions have been designated to the Milford Youth Sports and Park, P.O. Box 16, Milford, KS 66514.