Chapman Archers competed at both the NASP Kansas State IBO 3D and Kansas State Bullseye Tournaments held on March 29th and 30th in Hutchinson, Kansas. Thirty-one Kansas schools participated in the tournaments with over 340 high school and middle school archers.
In the team competition, Chapman High School archers won first place in the 3D tournament while Chapman Middle School archers took second place in both the bullseye and 3D competitions.
Chapman High School top honors – 3D
Chapman High School Girls
1st – Josslyn DePew
Chapman High School Boys
1st – Ben Griffis
2nd – Nathan Hutzenbiler
3rd – Colt Dester
5th – Clayton Carson
6th – Gerald (Junior) Gullion
Chapman High School top honors – Bullseye
Chapman High School Boys
1st – Nathan Hutzenbiler
3rd – Ben Griffis
4th – Colt Dester
7th – Hayden Sutterfield
8th – Clayton Carson

Chapman Middle School top honors – 3D
Chapman Middle School Girls
7th- Nadia Hutzenbiler
9th – Angie Griffis
Chapman Middle School Boys
1st – Thomas Randle
9th – Jackson Tabor
10th – Cooper Smith
Chapman Middle School top honors – Bullseye
Chapman Middle School Boys
5th – Jackson Tabor
9th – Thomas Randle
Chapman archers Travis Leasure, William Strauss, Turner Worden, Matthew Smith, Peighton Harris, Lars Schroeder, Kenny Worden, Chesney Brackett, Lillian Rutz, Carter Smith, Izzy Ross, Madison Gardner, Audrey Dester, Adrian Williams, Brayden Forth, Sammie Hall, Braydon Baier, Jorgan Wiley, Treena Dunham, June Linville, Reeve Brackett, Kason Britt, and Aaron Wise also participated and added points for the team.
Chapman Archery, in partnership with Chapman Schools, is a member of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). Through archery, the program aims to improve educational performance among students by practicing focus, self-control, discipline, patience, and the life lessons required to be successful in the classroom and in life. Chapman Archery operates through group fundraising and is led by trained volunteer coaches. For more information or if you would like to help support the team, contact lead coach Kyle Griffis at [email protected].
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Submitted by Jill Martinson, Chapman Archery Parent