Current planning by USD 475 leaders calls for the return of on-site students to return to their brick and mortar schools on Jan. 4th following the winter break.
Laci Sell, Associate Superintendent of Schools, explained that the plan is for everyone to return to their school on Jan. 4. "The exception there being those students who are currently right now enrolled in remote learning classes. So that would be quite a few elementary school students who started the school year in their remote learning classes, and then any middle school or high school student that was enrolled in the remote learning. We will still have the remote learning platform."
Part of that plan would allow JCHS students who were required to undertake remote learning in December to return to the school building for classes on Jan. 4th.
During the holiday break District officials will meet and stay in touch with COVID-19 developments. Should a change in current planning become necessary due to a directive from the Health Department or the State of Kansas, the school district would have to follow that, said Sell. "Those would be the reasons that we would not be able to, and of course we would provide the why. We have no intention of just saying nope we're not coming back. We know that based on CDC recommendations and as well now the Kansas State Department of Education how important it is for kids to be in school and that's what we want on Jan. 4th."