Aug 26, 2020

JCHS educators tour the new high school construction site

Posted Aug 26, 2020 11:16 AM

By Dewey Terrill

JC Post

Progress on the new Junction City High School construction project was on display for members of the senior high staff on Tuesday. They toured the building and had an opportunity to see classrooms, gym, football field, kitchens and the exterior of the building.

One teacher, Nancy Detmer, said the building is beautiful. "It's going to be exciting to move into a new space where hopefully there's going to be less travel and it's going to be more cohesive and not so disjointed like we are now." Another teacher, Becky Steiger, noted that it's a big change after she had taught almost 20 years in the current location. "So it's a little bit of a change to go from the place we've reported for so long, but wow! I think it's a pretty good change and our students are fortunate to have this opportunity."

Troy Hertel, architect, provided some numbers on the project. "We have about 15,000 cubic yards of concrete, we have 22-hundred tons of structural steel, 300,000 concrete block and 250,000 brick." Those materials are in place.

Teachers had a chance to view multiple kitchens in the building including a pair of teaching labs for foods and culinary, the auditorium which will seat about 900, additional classroom designated spaces, a gymnasium and the football field. They were able to walk through the wide hallways to tour all three zones of construction.  

New gymnasium under construction
New gymnasium under construction

Some of the other construction improvements:

New football field location
New football field location
Auditorium. There will be two levels of seating for that facility.
Auditorium. There will be two levels of seating for that facility.
The building includes wide hallways
The building includes wide hallways

The goal is to have the project completed by Aug. of 2021.