The subject of low voter turnout in Geary County surfaced during a recent Chamber of Commerce candidate forum. It arose during the county clerk segment.
Challenger Kim Bradney noted that the county is near the bottom of all 105 counties in voter turnout. "So few people are making decisions for all of us." She has suggested an education plan that could possibly involve educating students at the elementary and middle school levels.
Current County Clerk Courtney Gilbert has talked with the Secretary of State's Office where there was a feeling that not a lot of military members participate in local elections. They do not know the candidates that they are voting for.
Gilbert said, "It's your constitutional right to vote." She added she has only been county clerk for a year an a half but has been a registered voter and has voted since she was 18 years old. Gilbert added she is a firm believer that if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain. She tries to educate people via social media, through a quarterly newsletter and other methods.
Bradney feels in the elementary schools kids need to start understanding the electoral process and why they should vote. She would like to see more information put out to the public and the clerk's website updated with more information. She feels there are also social media platforms where the clerk's office should have a presence.
The election is Nov. 5th.